Real Villains & Goal Setting: A Summary

Brad Richardson #12 of th...

Image by Getty Images via Daylife

This series addressed creating villains and using some popular concepts in goal setting to make them more 3-dimensional and realistic as well as how to use that to create goals for adventures and campaigns. I had included a poll as well but it seems to be broken and has been removed.

Part 1: What does the Bad Guy™ want and what does he need to get it?
Part 2: Timing and the Plot Device™
Part 3: Breaking up Large Goals into Adventures
Part 4: Tricks and Tips for Villain Goal Setting

Read more for a form for Villain Goal Use. Read the rest of this entry »

Real Villains & Goal Setting: Part 4

Up to this point (Part 1, Part 2, Part 3) we’ve pretty much taken care of the meat of how to set good villain-sized goals and work them into adventures for your party. Here are some tips to make sure you villain makes for a good game.

Be as specific as possible.

You don’t need all the detail right now but the more you can Read the rest of this entry »

Real Villains & Goal Setting: Part 2

In Part 1, we discussed knowing what your villain wants to do and what he needs to do it. In this essay, I’ll talk about creating a plan and why to use plot devices.

The Plan

A table for each week

Image via Wikipedia

The next step is to write down a plan of some sort. Most goal setting programs use a time frame of 5 to 10 years or more but we’re working with a game campaign so we’re going to compress things because more action in less time makes better game. So in order to succeed, Islan Xanti needs to be able to do this within a year.

Using a Plot Device

A plot device is an element Read the rest of this entry »

Real Villains & Goal Setting: Part 1

When I first wrote this entry, it clocked in at 2142 words and that was just too much for anyone to read and digest in one setting. And that was before revisons! So, I’m breaking it up into a series which should be alot easier to read and use.

What does the Bad Guy want?


Image by kingston99 via Flickr

Setting goals and achieving them is a multimillion dollar business in the United States and most people have encountered seminars or essays on the subject. Most of my friends find the advice “fluffy” and not really relevant to their way of thinking – they’d rather blast music from the car stereo than chant mantras while driving. But the steps for goal setting and accomplishing those goals can be used to make a realistic timeline and plan for your villain.

The very first thing you need to determine is just what exactly does your villain want to achieve anyhow? Does he want to rule the kingdom, the world or destroy all life in existence? There are alot of goals a villain could have Read the rest of this entry »